Presenter Information

Presenter Information

Please finalize your abstract for inclusion in the conference program no later than Friday, February 14th. You can do this by logging into the submission dashboard.

Then, select the “Edit” option. There, you may upload an updated 2-page PDF that includes author names and affiliations. You are also welcome to update or revise your abstract in response to reviewer feedback if you wish.

We do not need presenters to share their materials. We also will not require you to use a shared computer to present. Speakers will use their own laptops for their talks.

Plenary Presentations

Plenary presentations will be 20 minutes long, followed by 10 minutes for questions. All plenary sessions will be recorded. To facilitate live ASL interpretation services, plenary presenters will receive an email in mid-March with instructions for sharing a draft of their presentation materials.

Poster Presentations

The poster boards at the conference will be 4 ft x 3 ft (120 cm x 90 cm) in landscape orientation. Any poster that fits within these dimensions will be suitable.

Demo Presentations

Although we are still finalizing the program details, we plan for Demo presentations to take place twice, during two of the four poster sessions, to maximize visibility and attendance. You will have at least 6ft by 4ft of space, along with a standard 6ft table, two chairs, and access to outlets. Please let us know if you require any additional accommodations.

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